Yes, Tom Petty said it best. Although this song is not about the 2ww (two week wait) women suffer through to find out if that EPT will come out with a + or -, it still works...sort of. Well, I'll run with that, cause Tom Petty rocks!!! But I digress...
My last post stated I would not wait to tell the world that I had gone in for my 2nd IUI. But I got busy packing and moving (yes, I decided to throw moving into the already complicated equation), and haven't really sat down to catch everyone up...until now.
So how much did you miss you ask? Well if you didn't ask, I'm still going to tell you! :-) I went in for my 2nd IUI on Sunday, June 17. On the 16th, which was my CD14 (cycle day 14), I was very anxious about ovulating. My doc said that since I was on Clomid, that if I hadn't gotten my LH surge by CD14, he wanted me to call and come in for an ultrasound and possibly and HCG trigger shot to induce ovulation. The morning of the 16th I tested with an OPK (ovulation predictor kit) at around surge. I tested again at 2pm, still no surge. At that point I called my doc and he said to come in on the 17th at 8:340am and we would decide on how to proceed. That afternoon I went to pack up some boxes and stuff at my now previous abode; and well, I just began to feel a bit funny. So afterwards I decided to do another test, this was around 7:45pm. Normally I would never test three times in one day, but I just felt like I needed to at that point. Well good thing I did because I got my surge! So I called my doc back, gave him the news, and my 8:30am ultrasound appointment turned into my 2nd IUI appointment, yay!!!
So now what? Now I'm once again in the midst of the dreaded two week wait. I'll admit that at 6 days post IUI, I was a nervous wreck. Last month that was the day my entire system went bonkers! So naturally I was worried this month may be the same. My doc did put me on Progesterone to help extend my cycle, so that was a bit of comfort but didn't complete alleviate my worry. Needless to say, day 6 has come and gone and I'm still waiting, which is a very good thing! Today I am 10 days post IUI. If I read my body correctly this month, that would correspond to 10 days past ovulation (10dpo). By this weekend, I should be ready to pee on a completely new kind of stick, the EPT kind! Woohoo!!!
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The one on the right represents my mom! |
I should probably follow the advice at and not test till Sunday, but I can't promise anything!
Sunday Jul. 1, 2012 Expected period |
dpo | Expected Period. This is the best day to test!You should miss your period today if you are pregnant!Accuracy rate of most pregnancy tests on or after the first day of your expected period is 99%. If your cycle length varies by a few days each month, you may still want to wait a few days before testing since you may not actually be late yet. |
So, what are my symptoms at 10dpo you ask? (Once again I don't really care if you asked, it's just one of those forum topics that seem to be on every baby-making website). To be honest, I don't really have any. Had some sharp pains in my abdomen last night and a few this morning, and I'm a bit on the bloated side, and my boobs are a bit larger than usual, but all these things can also be contributed to the progesterone, PMS, and possibly pregnancy. So like a lot of things, I take them with a grain of salt. Damn it! Now I'm thinking about the tequila I can't have!!! Which is horrible since it is Tequila Tuesday...ARGH!!!! However, I will most likely enjoy a glass of wine when I get home, because for now I dub it okay and safe to consume in small quantities. I'm sure some will disagree, but to each their own opinion on the matter. Last IUI I was overly conscious about my eating and drinking habits, and the IUI failed. My stress levels were at maximum capacity, and I know that did not help and could have possibly contributed to my system failing so miserably. This go around I have decide to relax, enjoy the ride, and not sweat the small stuff. There will by plenty of time to freak out during the 9-month wait!
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Hopefully this will be me very soon! |
Since I am so close to finding out whether or not this IUI is successful, I will try and update more over the next several days. Hopefully next time I'm back on here there will be good news!!! If not, I'll report the bad, too. Both are part of the process, so both deserve equal time in the spotlight. But for now I'll keep on the positive side and hope for the best outcome! And I'll leave you with this little bit of fun :-)
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I love cats! |